By Ikenga Charity Foundation ICF
Sat, 30-Sep-2023, 14:09

Nwafor Chidindu Innocent is one of the beneficiary's of our Ikenga Charity Foundation Scholarship programs at St. Patrick's Special College And Skills Acquisition center UBAHUMONUM OKIJA Iheala LGA Anambra state.
Please we seek for your financial support and Donation to enable us reach others that are lined up for scholarship program and other help request on our table.
No amount is too small in this special program that's focused on getting our young men and children into best quality education and skills acquisition programs.
This is our naira account for your donation financially 👉IKENGA CHARITY FOUNDATION, Zenith Bank. Account Number 1225291215. Please contact us if you need our dollar account for your support outside Nigeria.
You can donate in cash or if you have any items to give to the less privilege and in need and want to partner with us through your brand, we are available at any time.
You can also contact us through 👉 email: [email protected] or [email protected]. or direct call 
Phone call: +234(0)7080763682 our admin is 24/7 available.
Please also support Our free skills acquisition center project to better our YOUTH'S and reduce the crimes in our society, we have the best Coaches to make this happen in our land. Please be a lover of peaceful society and builders of new standard future generation.
Thanks and may God, chiukwuokike, Allah bless you as you support us Amen.
Check our website. www.icfinfo.org

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