By Ikenga Charity Foundation ICF
Sat, 31-Aug-2024, 18:45

Good news
Ikenga Charity Foundation farm project will starting in the next farming season.
They will be need for Youths who has the Passion for farming from any party Nigeria to join us in this great vision and innovation that will build you to be independent financially and otherwise as a youth. Don't miss this opportunity.
We call on people of good Will's, great sons and daughters of our Nation and the general public for there support in this project that will change many things in our society.
Acct details;
Ikenga Charity Foundation, ZENITH BANK PLC, 1225291215. Our dollar account is available on this page too. Thanks for your support.
Contact Us @👇
[email protected] or [email protected]
Call/Whatsapp; 07080763682

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